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Monday, February 18, 2013

Farmhouse Chic

Sorry, I missed you on Friday. I've been struggling with a seasonal cold, and I'm just not shaking it very well. Thanks for bearing with me. 

Alright, I've been working toward to simplifying my life, through offering myself and my family opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty around us. And through my not so sublet withdrawal from the mainstream world around us.

Today, I'm going to walk you though this adorable Farmhouse Chic, hand soap dispenser that I made.
First I cut a hold in the center of a mason jar lid. I just used a kitchen paring knife. I'm not sure that I would recommend a paring knife for those of you that might tend to cut yourself, like I am prone to...

Once you have a hole, sufficient enough to place the hand pump through, go ahead an position it the way that looks best to you, and begin to glue it in place. I used a superglue, that promised to glue metal and plastic. I assumed it would bond fast, but surprise it didn't. I had to be patient and wait, and hold the soap pump and the lid together for a bit. 
I assumed it would bond fast, but surprise it didn't. I had to be patient and wait, and hold the soap pump and the lid together for a bit. 
Once the bond seemed to be holding, I propped it up against the jar. Where I let it dry for a couple hours, while I made dinner.
Once the soap dispenser was completely dry, I ran a bead of glue around the ring of the lid and  glued it to the seal. Now I wouldn't recommend just twisting your lid on now. I held mine together for a while, until they bonded. Then I placed them on the rack in my food dehydrator for several hours to aid in the drying. I don't know if that's necessary, but it worked for me. 
The next morning I filled the jar with hand soap, and placed the lid on the jar....I couldn't resist, I washed my hands! This little Farmhouse Chic hand soap jar is so much fun to use, and it's so cute to look at.

I highly recommend making one of these right away. It has added a special yet simple little something to our home.
There really is so much I can add to the joy of my family, that doesn't take away from their growth and agency. There is beauty all around.

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