has just been over a year since I've started the LDS addiction
recovery program. It has taken this whole year for me to go through
the program once. When I first began the program on August 11, 2010,
I set a goals and made plans. I thought that I could go through a
step a week. I knew that in a short 12 weeks I would be a changed
I sit a year later and completely and honestly come through the 12
steps for the first time. In all honesty, I go through that steps
daily. I have begun to integrate these steps into my life. The 12
step program is leading me towards my Savior, my God.
know that I am not alone in healing my heart and my soul. I know that
I am no longer “broken” That doesn't mean I'm healed, or perfect,
it just doesn't mean I'm broken.
1 Honesty- I
strive every moment to be honest with myself about how I feel and
what I believe. I have begun to honestly speak up for what I need.
2 Hope- I believe
that I am begin restored to perfect spiritual health. I have a
growing hope and faith that I am continually growing in Christ.
3 Trust in God- I
know that I have a lot of weaknesses. Most all the old thinking
patterns still hover in secret corners of my heart, and I know that I
will be sustained in working through these weaknesses.
4 Truth- I can now
see where my original inventory wasn't as truthful as it could have
been. It was entirely focused on the negative and the hurt I've
caused. I am a good person. I have many things to offer myself and
others. Through working through this program and beginning to come to
Christ, I can see where I can give who I really am to others.
5 Confession- My
sins may not be sever enough to need to confess them to my Bishop.
They are sever enough to confess to Christ through repentance, to
Jim, and to myself. When I make mistakes, or when I slip into old
patterns I need to be honest with myself and work through it.
6 Change of Heart- I
have been blessed with a changing heart, and a willingness to change
and be changed upon. I don't always go with the flow. I still fight
against life, and God's will. My heart is always full of peace, love,
and calm, I can't always feel it, but it's there. I just need to be
humble enough to allow the changes in my heart that have taken place
free flow.
7 Humility- I am a very prideful person...It's that simple. I
still try to micro manage life, and still try to impose my will on
those around me. I have just become very thankful for forgiveness.
8 Seeking Forgiveness- I make so many mistakes. I have begun
to believe that making mistakes is just fine, even expected. It is
all in the attitude of how I handle them. Yep, I still tend to beat
myself up. I think I need to seek forgiveness more for how I react to
my mistakes than the mistake it self...
9 Restitution and Reconciliation- I will spend the rest of my
life, paying restitution to those in my life that have been wronged.
10 Daily Accountability- I am especially accountable to
myself moment to moment. I hold a strong level of accountability to
my God and my family. It is nice to be honest and accountable and
still be human. I am weak and fallible, maybe that will help keep me
11 Personal Revelation- Angels don't come down and visit me.
I don't hear strong voices guiding me to move mountains. BUT...I am
beginning to trust in the promptings that come to my heart. I still
don't always follow what I'm prompted to do. I can only wake up each
morning, and give this day and all the wonderful people in my life
everything I can.
12 Service- I am thankful that I have the opportunity to
start living my life, and lovingly give my heart to all those around
me. I am thankful for the chance to write this blog, to share in
service my “story.” I sincerely hope and pray that you will find
some hope and something to uplift your life. I would love for you and
everyone to find the peace and serenity that I am finding....
all my love
Angels Walk With You
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