Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a strong belief in the preservation of family. I love keeping records and memorabilia of our family and everything we do. I have created a website to share some of the wonderful memories I have of my family and of many others that I have been blessed to have been behind the camera for. I invite you to visit my photography website, while you are there if you would like to schedule a photo setting all the information is there. I am a Scrap 4 Hire, which means, I will gladly preserve your family history for you. All you have to do is make the memories.... When you are done here, please visit

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Step 7 Act of my Love

How does step 7 qualify as the greatest act of your love so far?
I know that I am not worthy to ask the Lord to remove my shortcomings. I know that I have been prideful and unbelieving towards the Lord. I know that I have allowed my sins to become who I was. For me to become humble enough to ask the Lord to remove my shortcomings to me, is like asking Him to remove the lies I've told that have justified my prideful war against my own spirit and against Him. It is like asking Him to assist me in burying my weapons or war, deep enough that I can not dig them up again. I no longer feel it necessary to be at war with God, myself, or anyone else. It is like humbly accepting His heart as my new heart.

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