Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a strong belief in the preservation of family. I love keeping records and memorabilia of our family and everything we do. I have created a website to share some of the wonderful memories I have of my family and of many others that I have been blessed to have been behind the camera for. I invite you to visit my photography website, while you are there if you would like to schedule a photo setting all the information is there. I am a Scrap 4 Hire, which means, I will gladly preserve your family history for you. All you have to do is make the memories.... When you are done here, please visit

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

God does love me...

I feel like yesterday's post was really profound, although, I know the words didn't come from my mind, but my soul. I am thankful for all the opportunities in which I am taught. I have procrastinated writing today, hoping something equally as profound would come to me, but as of now it hasn't. In a small way, this testifies to the moments in all our lives in which profound words of the spirit come. We must cherish these words, and record them so that other can benefit from them as well.

Today, a really neat thing happened. I was sitting in the truck with the little boys; they were hungry. Remember that little boys are always hungry. I know I used the word always, and I think it quit appropriate for this scenario. I opened a bag of cheese crackers and was sharing it between them. I was hungry too, it was half past lunch time, and I knew it. Anyway, the crackers didn't look all that appealing but I ate one anyway. It didn't taste all that good either, I thought I should would love something healthy. (WOW, that was a surprising thought) Within about 30 seconds from having that thought, DING, (text message) It's Britney wanting to know if I wanted a salad. Instantly, a 100 things raced through my mind. “Was this a miracle, given to me because I allowed myself to be willing to wish for something healthy, something different than the same old garbage?” “Your wish is my command!” “This is sorta creepy.” No matter what I thought, I knew it was something meant to be.

I feel very fortunate, and blessed that as I recognize my willingness to allow goodness to come into my life, that it does. From this experience, I learned that I don't need to try to figure out the “How” in life, but just be willing to “Allow” good to come. God does love me, He watches over me, He knows me, and even when I'm not asking, He's answering.  

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