Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a strong belief in the preservation of family. I love keeping records and memorabilia of our family and everything we do. I have created a website to share some of the wonderful memories I have of my family and of many others that I have been blessed to have been behind the camera for. I invite you to visit my photography website, while you are there if you would like to schedule a photo setting all the information is there. I am a Scrap 4 Hire, which means, I will gladly preserve your family history for you. All you have to do is make the memories.... When you are done here, please visit

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Naturally and Freely...

Yesterday was my birthday...The birthday wishes started pouring in around 4:00 a.m. and continued in a steady stream until late last night. I enjoyed the most marvelous day with my dearest friend. I felt so surrounded by love, that I was lifted up from all the cares in the world.

I could have never dreamed this gift at any point in my life. As I have struggled feeling that I have to ALWAYS be proving myself to everyone, and earning everyone's love this day has come as an overwhelming and uplifting surprising gift. I can be acknowledged for who I am, my accomplishments, and my artistic style. I can simply be loved.

I know I have bad days, where I can be devastatingly hard on myself and others. I have a sweet feeling that this feeling of being loved and accepted will sustain me and make these times less inpactful and therefore more profound in there own right to my life.

I also feel my heart opening and blossoming life a rose toward everyone in my life. Naturally, and freely. 

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